Tuesday, January 27, 2015

We are Precious in His Sight

"Colorful shower cap, with chefs on it (maybe it's a cooking cap)...t-shirt...Christmas green scrub pants...tennis shoes...brown fake fur coat. 'Yep, I'm ready to go out," said no one ever (except this one person.)"

This was almost a Facebook post of mine today. This was a text I sent to my husband & children. It may be funny as you read it. An image may even come to mind. I certainly thought it was funny at the time. But something stopped me from posting it: the guilt of my judgement.

This past year of my life has caused me to really take stock of my thoughts: thoughts about myself, others, & situations. I've learned, through huge personal changes in my life & health issues of my mother's, to really "see". To see situations, people, for what they are based on God's Word. Not what I perceive or think them to be. Not the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, or the homes they live in. To attempt to understand the struggles each soul is dealing with & love them still. I am trying to see people as God sees them (1 Samuel 16:7) & love as He loves (John 3:16.) It's not an easy task. But why?

Why do we (for the purposes of this post, "we" is referring to Christ followers) do this? Why do we determine someones worth by their lot in life? By what we think of the current situation? Why do we deem a person "worthy" or "good enough" by these worldly standards when we know God tells us to not focus on these things of the world (1 John 2:15-17), but on Him (Colossians 3:2.) Why do we choose not to love on someone because we don't approve of the sin they have chosen when God commanded us to love everyone just as He loved us (John 13:34-35.)

Luke 7:36-50, one of the Pharisees (Simon) asked Jesus to eat with him at his house. A woman, who the Bible describes as a "woman in the city who was a sinner", knew Jesus was there & brought Him some fragrant oil, stood at His feet weeping, washed His feet with her tears, wiped the tears with her hair, kissed His feet, & finally, anointed them with the oil (I love this beautiful story of worship & faith!) Simon uttered under his breath, commenting about the woman, appalled by this woman & her actions: this woman who dared to enter his house uninvited & who dared to let down her hair in public to dry the feet of Jesus. Simon made a judgement about this woman based upon her outward self, but Jesus saw her heart & defended her.

Despite our race, age, social status, or choice of sin (yes, ALL sin is a choice,) God loves us ALL! We ALL are unworthy (Romans 3:23,) but God sent His Son (Luke 19:10 & Titus 2:11) to save us ALL by dying on the cross for ALL our sins (Romans 5:8.) God made us ALL in His image (Genesis 1:27.) Who are we to snub or look down on our noses at His beautiful creation (Psalm 139.)

My heart breaks. My heart breaks for my sin earlier today. For my sin every day when I "hate" someone with my thoughts. When I don't take the time to respect someone because I don't think they are good enough because the situation they are in is different from what I would have chosen. For looking down on & laughing at someone because the outfit they wear isn't what "normal" people would wear. For not standing up for & defending His children, whom He loves. We are ALL His children...some just don't know it yet.

"Red or yellow, black or white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

"Father, please forgive me. Forgive me for killing Your children with my thoughts. I beg of You to continue helping me see You in the people You bring across my path, for I know I can learn something from everyone. I pray I can be a light for You & Your Kingdom by loving others as You would love. Thank you for Your never ending grace & mercy. In Your precious Son's name, Amen."

Until next time,

In His love!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. It's something I struggle with as well. I'm so glad God picked you to be my Mama! What a role model you are. I love you!
